Diamond Education Centre (鑽石教室) 由 Dr. B.C.Hui 許炳祥 博士 於2009年創辦。致力向小學、中學 及 成人提供面授及網授方式的教學輔導。

資歴: PhD Maths (Univ. Soton. U.K.) BSc Maths (Univ Swansea, U.K.) 數學博士。回港後二十多年教育界經驗,曾任教中、小學及大學校外進修部課程、日校物理及化學教師。

Courses (Pri)

課程 (小學)

Mixed Revision Class (Primary) 綜合温習班 (小學)

Subject class - Chinese Language (Pri) 專科班 - 中文(小學)

Location :
地點 :
Preset as (Zoom) online lessons, may or may be arranged as in-centre lesson
預設為 (Zoom) 網授,亦可能安排入補習社面授
Fee (per hour)
收費 (每小時)
Varies according to tutors and courses.
Number of attendees
1 to 1 (private)
1 對 1 (私補)
優點 :
Private tutorials, the tutor can teach according to the student's provided study plan (or school's schedule) upon request.
Location :
地點 :
Preset as (Zoom) online lessons, may or may be arranged as in-centre lesson
預設為 (Zoom) 網授,亦可能安排入補習社面授
Fee (per hour)
收費 (每小時)
Varies according to tutors and courses.
Number of attendees
1 to 2 or above
1 對 2 或以上
優點 :
The tutor will have a teaching plan for the subject and will adjust the pace of teaching according to the response of the group.
缺點 :
The tutor's teaching plan may not entirely fit with the given teaching schedule of individual student's day school. (Different students within the group may have different learning schedule from their day schools)
Location :
地點 :
Preset as (Zoom) online lessons.
預設為 (Zoom) 網授
Fee (per hour)
收費 (每小時)
Varies according to tutors and courses.
Number of attendees
Type :
形式 :
(1) Lessons are provided with recorded explanation videos.
(1) 課程配有錄製的解釋影片。
(2) Students are usually required to complete and submit their online exercises and assignments within a given time limit.
(2) 同學生通常需要在給定的時間內完成並提交線上練習和作業。
(3) An assessment of the student's performance and overall score of the course will be reported at the end of the course.
(3) 對學生表現和課程總分的評估將在課程結束時滙報。
優點 :
(1) Without following a particular teaching plan, students can freely select which topic to study.
(1) 無需遵循特定的教學計劃,學生可以自由選擇學習主題。
(2) Students can freely select the time to watch the lesson videos within the given time limit.
(2) 學生可以在指定時限內自由選擇觀看課程影片的時間。
(3) After completing the quizzes and assignments, assessment results will be sent to the student after lessons.
(3) 完成測驗和作業後,評估結果將在課後發送給學生。