Unless otherwise stated, all our courses provided are pre-set as online courses (using Zoom). Students can choose to have lessons online (at home or elsewhere) or at our centre(s) upon request as an extra-service.
除非另有說明,否則我們提供的所有課程均預設為在線課程(使用 Zoom)。學生可以選擇(在家或其他地方)線上上課,又或作為額外服務的一部分,要求到我們的中心上課。

All tuition fees are calculated in Hong Kong dollars (HKD). 所有課程費用以港元 (HKD) 計算
Stages of class reservations: 課堂預約的階段如下:
(1) Assumed appointment 暫定預約
English version: Complete the appointment setting on the above with appropriate selection. If payment is not made, records are generally kept temporary. According to technical needs, we may cancel the reservation record on the webpage at any time. Time slots would still be available to other parents and students who intend to make reservations.
中文版: 完成以上預約設定並選擇適當時段。若未付款,記錄一般被短暫儲存。按技術需要,我們隨時有可能取消網頁上的預約記錄,其他有意在相同時段內預約的家長和同學亦可預約該時段。
(2) Paid appointment 付款預約:
English version: Complete the appointment setting on the above with appropriate selection. If full payment is made, the record will become “on hold” until our background audit is completed. After completion, the lesson may still be (2.1) confirmed or (2.2) cancelled. In case of “cancellation”, a refund will be arranged. Reasons for “cancellation” may include (but not limited to): illness of the instructor, the time slot has been reserved by other students … etc.
中文版: 完成以上預約設定並選擇適當時段。若己全數付款,記錄將被 “保留” 直至後台核數完成。核數完成後課堂有可能被 (2.1) 確認 或 (2.2) 取消。
若 “取消” 將會安排退款。”取消” 的原因可能包括(但不限於):導師生病、時段已被其他同學預約….等。
(3) Confirmed appointment 確認預約:
English version: If the paid appointment is accepted and “confirmed”, an email notification and a Zoom link will be sent. If you have received the appointment confirmation email but have not received the Zoom link 24 hours before the lesson, please email us at diamond-edu@hotmail.com.
中文版: 若 付款預約 被接納並且獲 確認,我們將會發電郵通知 及 Zoom 連結。若已收 確認預約電郵通知 但課堂 24小時前尚未收到 Zoom 連結,請以電郵 diamond-edu@hotmail.com 與我們聯絡。
Confirmation of lesson and refund policy 確認課堂和退款政策
English version: We will contact the tutor / instructor to confirm lesson after full payment is received. Lesson confirmation email will be sent after all parties agree to have the arrangement. Confirmation emails (possibly with the Zoom link included) are generally sent 12 to 24 hours before the lesson. Arrangements cannot be changed after the confirmation email is sent. No refund will be made after the confirmation email is sent. If any party, including customers and service providers (such as tutors) requests to cancel the arrangement, please notify us by email at least 24 hours before the class.
中文版: 收到課堂全數款額後,我們將聯絡導師作實。若各方同意課堂安排,我們將發出確認電郵。確認電郵(可能內付 Zoom 連結)一般在課堂前 12 至 24小時內發出。一經確認並發出確認電郵,安排不能再更改,亦不會有退款安排。任何一方,包括客户和服務提供者(例如 導師)若要求取消課堂安排,請於課堂前 24 小時或更早向我們將發出電郵通知。