Diamond Education Centre 鑽石教室

We provide both in-centre, internet (online) lessons and recorded courses. Unless otherwise stated, all our courses provided are pre-set as online courses (using Zoom). Students can choose to have lessons online (at home or elsewhere) or at our centre(s) upon request as an extra-service.
我們既提供 中心內上課的面授課程 亦 提供網授(在線) 及 錄播課程。除非另有說明,否則我們提供的所有課程均預設為在線課程(使用 Zoom)。 學生可以選擇(在家或其他地方)線上上課,又或作為額外服務的一部分,要求到我們的中心上課。

How to hand in our assignment?
遞交我們練習的方法 (粵語)

Our location (Hong Kong, China)
我們位置(中國 香港)

Feature 特别推薦
Ms. Doris Belancic
(Native English and French bilingual)

Booking and Payment (Hong Kong)

How to enquire the host during a Zoom Lesson (Cantonese and other languages)
網課(Zoom lesson)時發問方法(粵語或其他)

FPS Payment 轉數快付款:

Teaching illustrations 教學示範

Lessons maneuver 課堂操作

Lesson maneuvers can be divided into two categories: (1) Instructor's explaination lesson and (2) Student's writing practice lesson. 課堂操作可以分為兩種類型:(1) 教師的講解課和 (2) 學生的寫作練習(操卷)課。
For explaination lessons, students are expected to be attentive and follow our instructions. Explaination lessons can be conducted either on-line or at our centre or wherever convenience. 對於講解課,學生應專心聽從我們導師的指示。講解課可以在線上專心進行,也可以在我們的中心或任何方便的地方進行。
For writing-practice lessons, students are required to show the instructor his/her hand writtings on printed papers. This may better be done in-centres and under our survillence. Model test papers would then be collected. Our instructors will become model examiners and report the marks to the students and parents afterwards. 對於寫作練習(操卷)課,學生需要向教師展示他/她在印刷練習卷上的手寫內容。這可能較好在中心環境內、有監督的情况下完成。 收集模型試卷或練習後,我們的老師將為試卷或練習評分,然後向學生和家長報告分數。

Live courses (Online or in-centre) 實時課程 (網授或教室內)

Courses Selection 課程選擇

Regular courses 恆常課程

Language Courses 語言課程

Interest Courses 興趣課程

Our Instructors 我們導師

Lesson scene 課堂片段


(WL-01) DSE Maths (M2)
(WL-02) Sec EngLang (中一升中二)
(WL-03) Pri EngLang (小一升小二)


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